27 February 2007

Back to school

So here we go, after the two most academically intense years of most of our lives and then a relative hiatus (ie having to do something kinda academic but not having exams or anything) for the least 10 weeks, back to school.

We head back, next week, to what will (hopefully!) be the last 9 months of our undergraduate, not to mention un-paid, medical education.
And after that, scary as it is, we get to done graduation robes, throw our hats in the air and write drug charts. Diagnose and treat Australia's unwell (ok, those who can't afford private halth cover anyway). Save (and lose) lives on overnight shifts when nobody senior is around.

But anyway, that almost a year from now. In the meantime we're back at uni & hospital learning how stuff. Which, I think, won't be so easy as I've become acutely aware recently of just how much I've forgotten.
So, tell me again - the knee bone's connected to the... what?

17 February 2007

Summertime, and the livin' is easy...

I decided I'd give myself some time to adjust to being back in Sydney before blogging on it, so here i am, a week-and-a-bit after landing and...

Sydney is, well, Sydney. The skies are blue, the weather is warm (albeit perhaps too sticky) and one is enveloped by the sounds of summer: the interminable chirp of cicadas, birds squawking morning and night, the shrieks of annoying neighbours' children as they try to kill each other in the pool, the strange music wafting over the fence from the 50 year old wannabe rock stars next door.
I can sit, for most of shabbat, and read in the garden wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.
I can see my family again, everyone seems glad to have me back. Great to be able to see my grandparents, aunts and uncles, the whole mishpokha. And friends, of course. Wonderful friends, one in particular who was my reason for returning so soon (damn that wedding! :-p) So yes, things are pleasant, things are nice.
I can't complain. It's summeritme and the livin' is easy. Fish are probably jumping, somewhere, and i wouldn't have a clue how the cotton's looking. anyone?

It's Sydney. Easy. Comfortable.

But it's not Israel. It's certainly not Jerusalem and it's not even Tel Aviv. (apologies to any readers offended at my not having mentioned their city, notably Be'er Sheva, Yoqnam and Qiryat Ata.)
A week here and I'm suffering withdrawal. (will Valium reduce my cravings?) and maybe a touch of [sub-clinical] depression (perhaps fluoxetine will help?)
no. i know what this condition needs - Holy Land infusion, provided on a continuous basis. Pretty simple, really. Only issue is the couple of little things i have to deal with here before i get the prescription filled for that constant infusion. Like finishing med school and surviving my intern year. yeah, little things like that.

But I know I can make it.
I just hope that Israel, and all the things drawing me there, are going to be waiting for me...

06 February 2007

"I'm flying on a jet plane..."

Yes, it's an old song.
It's also how i'll be some 7 hours from now. Flying. On a jet plane. Back to Australia. Most people wouldn't complain about such things but... well, I'd really rather stay here.

My trip here, under the guise of a medical student elective term, was really about a journey of discovery (how much more sickeninly kitch could i get?!) which has, to some degree, provided me with answers to some of the questions with which I came here hoping for some assistance.

What career path I want to pursue: well this one still hasn't been answered, though my list of differentials has perhaps been narrowed a little. More details later, perhaps during my next (Obs&Gynae) rotation.

Place of religion in my life: I think the role Judaism plays (as distinct from Jewish Community) in my life is on the path to expansion. What exactly this means is yet to be seen but it's interesting and, frankly, something I see as being important in my future. Undoubtedly there will be people amongst family and friends unhappy with such moves but really... too bad.

Whether I see my future life and career in Israel: frankly put, the answer would seem to be YES. Not much more to say about that except that there's a couple of years before it becomes reality so you have some time to deal with the concept. And yes, of course you'd be welcome to come visit me! Again there will be people who are close to me who will be unhappy with such a move and, undoubtedly, will be waiting for my yeridah with bated breath but I feel that it's something I need to do to complete me.

What I want out of a relationship: well, I think perhaps I've found her... Yes, by now I've told everyone something so I might as well go out and tell you all the same things - her name is Shimrit, she's a 26 year-old sabra, gorgeous, intelligent, friendly, funny and so much more... basically all the things one wants in a relationship - except that she lives on the other side of the planet. She lives here. Well actually she lives in Tel Aviv but, considering how much time spends at work it seems she may as well live there at times... So yes, she's incredible. What more can I say?

I don't want to write any more as I'd like to actually make use of my last few hours in the Israel, the Land flowing with milk and honey (though I just ate meat so no milk for a bit).

My time here has been wonderful, truly incredible. To anyone who hasn't been to Israel before, regardless of your religious background or feelings, I highly commend it to you. It's an absolutely magical place. And to anyone who has been before but, perhaps it's been some time... come again! Strange, incredibly wonderful things happen here, the people are wonderful and the country... it's Israel and there's no place quite like it.
So my promise to the Promised Land - I'll be back, soon! And to anyone else - feel free to join me!! :-D