06 October 2006

Judgement Day

As should be plainly obvious by now, Yom Kippur (where God has that task of deciding who will live and who will die) occurred earlier in the week.

A judgement day of another sort has just come and gone at the end of this week - that's right, the Medical Program Assessment Committee (?self-appointed gods) have gathered to pass judgement and make decisions of their own.
Not whether people live or die, just whether they pass or have to repeat. Some would probably argue that repeating is a harsher punishment.
Nonetheless, the Faculty's nasty email didn't come and (thankfully) the list put out today confirms that, indeed, there's next to nothing in the way of me becoming a doctor.

Scary shit, I'd recommend you take out private health coverage well before that happens!
So yeah, me as a doctor - who'd've thought it possible...? (Yes, I agree, it is utterly ridiculous!)
So on we march, through the trials and tribulations of medical education ... with no more big exams to deal with, ever*!

(* in saying "ever", what is really meant is "for some, if ever so brief, period of time - probably a couple of years at most". but hey, who's a stickler for details?)

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